Here is our pretty house :) with star lights, that rotate flashing on and off, they are rainbow.. I adore them :) wish I could get a better pic. Big thanks to my father in law for putting them up, he made my day!
We went to Target and it was Raining!! I love the rain. Brady hasnt really seen rain yet, so he seemed a bit confused. I kind cut part of his head off in this pic, oh well.
We went to see Aunt Deb, Jay and Hannah! & then out to dinner with Rose! It was so good to see everyone! I wish we could do it more! my goal next year is to make more time to see the people I love!
Riley had a great time! Aunt D got him a giant truck full of little cars, He LOVED it! He races the big truck around the house and even found out he can ride on it!
Then Serranos.. which is my favorite, Im in love with their bean dip :) I forgot to take pics.. bummer
Then we went to Dennys. I was great! I forgot how yummy a moons over my hammie was! woohoo!
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