Turtle has had allot of Firsts lately, but its because he is growing up so fast! i HATE IT.. but I know it happens.
I made spaghetti, and thought what a great time to introduce our lit"l turtle to one of the family favorites. Mike said NO SAUCE... he thought it would be to messy. (DUH) so we started without sauce, just noodles.
HE LOVED IT! Surpirsed?.. me either..
He did a great job, with little mess on the floor this time. got most of it in his mouth,
then it was BATH time! Turtle used to scream when I would give him a bath, it was so sad, I used to hate it, and end up giving him sponge baths for the first 5 months of his life instead,
Since he can sit up now, he did a great job in the tub with Riley.
Riley was so excited to take a bath with him, and even washed his hair for him.
They played with toys, and Turtle was very confused and kept looking down at the water,, splashing a bit, But ...no screaming :)
I love this picture :) its funny you can tell what different complextions they have here. Riley has michaels complextion and turtle is all me. except.. I did see those curls sneek thru...
we must have been playing for awhile, cause Riley hands and feet got all Wrinkly
After bath everyone went to bed, Riley is doing better listening, and is usually so helpful. :)
Brady was teething and woke up at midnight, so we laid under the Christmas tree.. Since we have to take it down sometime this week.
he was grabbing the lights, and trying to eat them, this pic, because of the camera makes it look like the electricity is going straight into his mouth!
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